Giovanni F. Accolla, Franco Cardini, Domenico Del Nero, Giordano Bruno Gherri, Gennaro Malgieri, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Mirella Serri, Marcello Veneziani.
“Akusona isicelo, kodwa ngibonga uMario Bozzi Sentieri ngokungikhumbuza incwadi enhle kaWagner ethi The Nibelungen, okubuye kube ipuleti lami lombala, elifisa ukuhlonipha hhayi kuphela umqambi omkhulu, kodwa noLiszt nabanye.Ukuzinikela (fr. Baudelaire) kumbhali we "Izincwadi Ezinhle Zomuntu" (fra Baudelaire), u-Lo Gatto wayengumJalimane omuhle kakhulu ekuqaleni komsebenzi wakhe wokuba umbhali wezindaba kanye nothisha, kodwa idumela lakhe laliphakeme kunelomuntu waseRussia. .
Iqoqo: Ngifuna abafundi beTotalità bazi ukuthi nami ngikhona ngencwadi esanda kushicilelwa ethi “Tower cranes of Alexander Rodchenko kanye neline summae tenuitatis” eshicilelwe kuCampanotto e-Udine, kodwa ngiya kuleli khasi ukuze ngitholele u-Wagnerian majestic futhi ngikhanyiswe ngu. izibani ezingapheli.
Kungikhumbuza ukuthi mhlawumbe leli thonya eliyinqaba elingachazeki, elingabonakali (umculo nezincwadi engangingazifundanga neze esikoleni), ngazithola ngingedwa endlini ebhilidi yaseBayreuth.Egunjini elingezansi ngabuka amamodeli anemibala futhi akhanyayo.iphothifoliyo yengcweti ye-Leipzig, ngokunaka okufanayo engikukhokhele kuma-diorama epulasitiki amahle (akuyona into encane!), ikuyo yonke indawo kulesi sitimela esincane esiyinqaba i-Teutonia Maerklin noma i-Fleischmann.
Amamodeli anesilinganiso esinembile kuze kube semininingwaneni emincane ayizinkolelo zangempela zamaJalimane, mhlawumbe ayezama ukwenza ukugeleza kwe-Ville enkulu kungabi kakhulu ngezwi elincane, elimibalabala nelingavamile le-Vorstellungen.”
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